首页> 外文OA文献 >Dampak terhadap Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 028/puu-xi/2013 Tentang Pembatalan Undang-undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2012 Tentang Perkoperasian terhadap Akta Pendirian Koperasi

Dampak terhadap Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 028/puu-xi/2013 Tentang Pembatalan Undang-undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2012 Tentang Perkoperasian terhadap Akta Pendirian Koperasi

机译:对第028号宪法法院/ puu-xi / 2013年关于撤销第17号关于合作社建立合作社契约的法律的影响



Constitution of 1945, particularly Article 33 Clause (1), states that the economy shall be organized as a common endeavor based upon the principle of the family system. The explanation of Article 33 elaborates that public welfare is prioritized than individual welfare and the suitable form of company is cooperation. Act number 25 in 1992 about cooperation was enacted for 20 years in Indonesia until October 30th 2012, and then government provisioned Act number 17 in 2012 about cooperation. The government expected that this Act would be consequent and consistent to make cooperation in Indonesia to be more trusted, stronger, healthier, autonomous, and firm, and useful for its members, especially common public. In May 28th 2013, the constitutional court nullified Act number 17 in 2012, because the constitutional court considered this law was against Constitution of 1945, so that this Act was not legally enforceable, and for temporary the Act number 25 III 1992 was enacted again until new Act of cooperation to be provisioned.The problems in this research were how did the implications of Decree of Constitutional Court number ,028IPUU-XI for the cooperation which had establishment act based on Act number 12 in 2012 and toward those cooperation in process of establishment, and what were legal consequences from legal engagement had been done by cooperation which had establishment act based on Act number 17 in 2012.The objective of this research was to find out and to analyze cooperation which had been established based on Ad Humber 17 in 2012, and the existences of cooperation which were still in progress of establishment and legal consequences of legal conducted by cooperation.This research belonged to normative research which studied written law from varying aspects. This was a descriptive research which explain prevailing legal conditions in particular locations and time.The conclusion of this research was that for the cooperation which had not yet had establishment act based Act number 17 in 2012, it was obligatory for the cooperation to make amendment, and for the cooperation being in the process of establishment should refer back to Act number 25 in 1992 about cooperation. Legal engagement had been conducted by cooperation with act of establishment based on Act number 17 in 2012 remained to valid and legally engaging.
机译:1945年的《宪法》,特别是第33条第(1)款规定,应根据家庭制度的原则,将经济组织为一项共同的事业。第33条的解释详细说明了公共福利比个人福利优先,并且公司的合适形式是合作。 1992年关于合作的第25号法案在印度尼西亚颁布了20年,直到2012年10月30日,然后政府在2012年制定了关于合作的第17号法案。政府期望该法将是一贯的和一致的,以使在印度尼西亚的合作更加信任,更强大,更健康,自治和牢固,并对其成员,特别是公众有用。 2013年5月28日,宪法法院宣布2012年第17号法令无效,因为宪法法院认为该法违反了1945年宪法,因此该法令不可依法执行,并临时颁布了第25 III 1992年法令,直到本研究的问题在于,第028IPUU-XI号宪法法院法令对基于2012年第12号法令设立的合作产生的合作以及对建立过程中的合作有何影响,并且通过基于2012年第17号法令建立了合作关系的合作完成了法律约定的法律后果。本研究的目的是找出并分析基于2012年第17号Ad Humber建立的合作关系以及尚在建立中的合作的存在以及合作进行的法律的法律后果。致力于从各个方面研究成文法的规范研究。这是一项描述性研究,解释了特定地区和特定时间的现行法律条件。该研究的结论是,对于尚未在2012年制定第17号法令的合作,必须对合作进行修改,对于正在建立的合作,应参考1992年关于合作的第25号法案。通过与根据第17号法令建立的机构法令进行合作,进行了法律约定,该法律在2012年仍然有效并具有法律效力。



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